Remedies for Bloated Stomachs: What to Do and When to See a Doctor

The antispasmodic and relaxant nature of peppermint tea can relieve gas and spasms . Another cause of abdominal distension is fluid build-up in the lining of the abdominal cavity, called the peritoneum. These tissues can become inflamed from infection , or they can be filled with fluid as a result of a condition called ascites. Usually a side-effect of liver scarring , ascites occurs when pressure on the blood vessels in the liver forces fluid into the abdominal cavity.

If this happens, a doctor or pharmacist can suggest alternatives that are more gentle on the digestive tract. For people whose bloating happens after meals, keeping track of food and drink intake for several weeks should help to determine whether specific foods are responsible. In some cases, bloating may result from a medical condition.

Abdominal distension

SIBO can cause bloating, frequent diarrhea, and difficulties digesting food and absorbing nutrients. These chronic symptoms may lead to osteoporosis or weight loss in some people. Belching, or burping, is your body's way of expelling excess air from your upper digestive tract.

abdominal distension home remedies

This means that your food will not ferment as it should in the intestines. In a widely cited survey of the US population, 31% of respondents met Rome -1, criteria for functional bloating. Also, if you use this book to take care of your current health issues and you don’t end up saving at least $37, I’ll send you a full refund. These are the lifesaving herbs that people in Venezuela ate when they couldn’t afford to buy food from the market anymore. In the hospitals of Venezuela, they used a lot of Listerine for different types of bacterial and fungal infections, wounds, gangrene, and diabetic foot. Listerine was invented in 1879 and was originally formulated as a surgical antiseptic.

Understanding and managing chronic abdominal bloating and distension

However, some people may become severely dehydrated or continue to get worse over several days. "These are frequently patients who have other sensory disorders, such as IBS, migraines, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia." You might also add kiwifruit to your diet, which has proven helpful in cases of bloating and constipation. A bloated stomach is the sensation of having an overfull stomach.

abdominal distension home remedies

Inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, may cause people to experience bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome , can also cause this symptom. Many people experience bloating before and during their periods due to hormonal changes and water retention. Exercises, supplements, and massages can all help to reduce bloating quickly, and simple lifestyle changes can prevent it from reoccurring. If you really suffer from constipation , the juice would bring down all the constipation causing mass.

Home remedies for Chronic Gas Pain, Bloating, Flatulence and Abdominal Distension

Caraway , also referred to as Persian fennel, exhibits antispasmodic and carminative properties that can be used to get rid of bloating and excessive gas in the stomach , . It is the presence of chemical compounds called carvol and carvene that imparts these beneficial properties to caraway seeds. A bloated stomach or abdomen can be triggered by many factors. It could also be a symptom of an underlying disease or disorder.

abdominal distension home remedies

Drinking a cup of ginger tea also provides much relief, but ginger ale is absolutely awesome. Abdominal bloating causes discomfort and is a condition that may seem not-so-easy to treat. Here, we are not talking about stomach fat but bloating, which is a temporary abdominal distention. According to health experts, the real cause of stomach bloating is intestinal gas. Unless bloating is caused by a medical condition like liver or heart disease, it is easy to treat it by applying home remedies.

We’ve all experienced a bloated stomachafter eating a heavy meal. There are many other causes too though, and in today’s article we show you how to reduce abdominal swelling. A bloated stomach can prove to be quite disturbing in the long run.

In addition, symptoms like stomach pains, recurrent burping or belching, rumbles, tight and full stomach, and gurgles from within the abdomen can be seen in abdominal bloating. Though most cases of this condition are not of much concern, it can point to an underlying medical condition in some cases. If you experience any of the above side effects, visit your doctor immediately. However, you can try out the home remedies mentioned in the article for a mild to moderate case of bloated stomach. One of the causes of abnormal bloating is excessive eating and air swallowing, known as aerophagia.

Belching: Getting rid of excess air

Liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, heart failure, kidney problems, and some types of cancer can cause bloating. Sugars or artificial sweeteners in the diet can also cause gas and bloating. Drinking water eliminates these issues and helps to treat constipation as well. Constipation, food allergies, and intolerances can lead to bloating. When stool becomes backed up in the large bowel, it can cause bloating and a feeling of discomfort. Excess gas may also build up behind the stool, making the bloating worse.

This makes them a great remedy for salt-induced stomach bloating as the high potassium content in them will regulate the sodium levels in your body. Ginger possesses carminative properties that can help to expel gas and relieve cramps and indigestion. This shows the efficiency of ginger in treating stomachbloating along with its symptoms , . If your distended abdomen has an organic cause, the treatment will be very specific to that cause.


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